Angelina Jolie visited Mosul, Iraq, on Saturday to raise awareness of the dire humanitarian situation that plagues the city almost one year after its liberation from ISIS VIDEO ATTACHED

She is in Iraq to support communities and families ❤️

"I met parents whose 17-year-old daughter lost her legs in a mortar-strike. When they carried her to get medical treatment they were turned away, and she bled to death."

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie met Mohamed and his family in West Mosul, Iraq.

She should be home with her 6 kids,everyone knows that's a large family,shows how much of a mom she is,but then that's how she always rolled. It's all about recognition...look at me,that's Jolie.

Speaking in front of the ruins of al-Nuri Mosque, Special Envoy Angelina Jolie said:
“This is the worst devastation I have seen in all my years working with UNHCR. People here have lost everything: their homes are destroyed. They are destitute. They have no medicine for their children, and many have no running water or basic services. They are still surrounded by bodies in the rubble. After the unimaginable trauma of the occupation, they are now trying to rebuild their homes, often with little or no assistance.

I have no words for the strength it must take to rebuild after loss like this. But that is what the people of this city are doing. They are grief-stricken and traumatized, but they are also hopeful. They are clearing their homes with their own hands, and volunteering and helping each other. But they need our assistance.
We often tend to assume, as an international community, that when the fighting is over, the work is done. But the conditions I observed here in West Mosul are appalling. Displacement is still happening. The camps near the city are still full. Whole areas of West Mosul remain flattened. Enabling people to return and stabilizing the city is essential for the future stability of Iraq and the region.
I recognize the great sacrifices made in the liberation of Mosul. I hope there will be a continued commitment to rebuilding and stabilizing the whole of the city. And I call on the international community not to forget Mosul, and not to turn their attention away from its people. We have learnt in Iraq before and elsewhere in the region the dangers of leaving a void. It is also what the families and survivors deserve.
I met parents whose 17-year-old daughter lost her legs in a mortar-strike. When they carried her to get medical treatment they were turned away, and she bled to death. Every man I met talked about the lashes and punishments inflicted by the extremists. The girls I met talked about the years of not being able to go to school, and of seeing people killed, and of feeling too afraid to leave their houses. It is deeply upsetting that people who have endured unparalleled brutality have so little as they try, somehow, to rebuild the lives they once had.”
Angelina Jolie visited Mosul, Iraq, on Saturday to raise awareness of the dire humanitarian situation that plagues the city almost one year after its liberation from ISIS VIDEO ATTACHED Angelina Jolie visited Mosul, Iraq, on Saturday to raise awareness of the dire humanitarian situation that plagues the city almost one year after its liberation from ISIS  VIDEO ATTACHED Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop on June 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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