Thousand's of Korean women's march against spy cam porn epidemic

History in the making. More than 20,000 South Korean women angrily urged the gov't to crack down on the widespread 'molka' (spy cam) crimes that secretly film women at public toilet/public transport/office/school- in the biggest-ever protest held by women in the nation.

The women chanted, 

"Those men who film molka (spycam)!
Those who upload it!
Those who watch it!
All should be arrested & face stern punishment!

Molka (hidden in) cigarette packets!
Molka in water bottles!
Molka in car keys!
Molka in eye glasses!
Restrict molka sales!

Wearing Masks in private areas

Nowadays, Korean women wear masks to cover their faces and look around for holes even when going public restrooms. #Spycams are hidden in wall, and even INSIDE toilet. These crimes are rampant, also committed at public baths, gyms, swimming pools and lodging facilities.

Nowadays, Korean women wear masks to cover their faces and look around for holes even when going public restrooms. #Spycams are hidden in wall, and even INSIDE toilet. These crimes are rampant, also committed at public baths, gyms, swimming pools and lodging facilities. 
Thousand's of Korean women's march against spy cam porn epidemic Thousand's of Korean women's march against spy cam porn epidemic Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop on June 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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