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MAMA MERGANSER! Photographer was able to track down the now famous Lake Bemidji Common Merganser that has an adopted brood of over 76 babies! I love the story that these photos tell. Wildlife photographer Brentcizek captured this incredible photo of a Common Merganser mother with an adopted brood of 50+ chicks! This is not an uncommon sight for this species. This single merganser mama now has 76(!) chicks following her around. Also common for Gambles Quail where Mom & Dad both care for Their brood. I've seen families with 30 - 40 Chicks of various ages.
Chicks that lose their family are adopted by other famailies. Very endearing.
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Seventy-six little chicks caught the morning sun
With a hundred and ten cormorants close at hand...
“Experts say females often “dump” their eggs in the nests of other birds in an effort to spread out their offspring and increase the chances of survival.” "It was mind blowing," said the photographer. "I didn't know that a duck could care for that many chicks." Is there anything sweeter in the universe? “Adult ducks can’t tell which birds are theirs, and lost young birds that have already imprinted on their own mothers will instinctively start following another Common Merganser because she looks like mom.”
“She seems to be fine. She has all her ducks in a row.”
1 Hen, 76 Ducklings: What’s the Deal With This Picture?
Next day morning with the mergansers. They are growing so fast. They continue to venture further out on their own, but as soon as Mama Merganser starts heading somewhere, they all quickly follow suite. Count is still at 70+.
Chicks that lose their family are adopted by other famailies. Very endearing.
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Seventy-six little chicks caught the morning sun
With a hundred and ten cormorants close at hand...
“Experts say females often “dump” their eggs in the nests of other birds in an effort to spread out their offspring and increase the chances of survival.” "It was mind blowing," said the photographer. "I didn't know that a duck could care for that many chicks." Is there anything sweeter in the universe? “Adult ducks can’t tell which birds are theirs, and lost young birds that have already imprinted on their own mothers will instinctively start following another Common Merganser because she looks like mom.”
1 Hen, 76 Ducklings: What’s the Deal With This Picture?
Next day morning with the mergansers. They are growing so fast. They continue to venture further out on their own, but as soon as Mama Merganser starts heading somewhere, they all quickly follow suite. Count is still at 70+.
1 Hen, 76 Ducklings, literally its uncommon. Photos and Video Attached
Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop
July 26, 2018

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