India's Sylvester Stallone, Ajith Kumar team of Drone Flight has done Guinness Record on flew time on Air

Actor Ajith training team has achieved world record in the unmanned flight in Chennai Drone Event Even though he is an Actor, constantly concentrating on car racing and bike racing. Now he turned his attention on aero modeling industry. His qualification is not even a graduation in Single degree, but he is capable to speak 5 to 7 languages. As like that he has a self interest on Aero Drone.

For this, he visited the AIR modeling department of MIT College in Chromepet, Chennai, India. Recently, the photos have been released. In this situation, Ajith was appointed as the Chennai university's pilot adviser to the organization. He continued to provide training and advice for students of MIT(Madras Institute of Technology ) where they will participate in unmanned flights in Queensland in September. Hearing this news has become a proud moment for their fans, where other Actors in the same industry has making artificial stunts in the society to enter Politics. In this situation he made his fans proud.

Even though he is a Superstar in Kollywood Film industry, he won't show any attitude or anything to share his space with Common people and Others. He will treat everyone equally and as a witness for that he was just Paid 10k as a Advisor Position in MIT.

Meanwhile, Anna University conducted a competition on drone flight, participated by many students across India In this, MIT students group also participated as Ajith Advisor with various groups. The unmanned petrol aircraft was prepared by MIT students. It was positioned at 10 to 15 feet from the ground and the plane flew 6 hours 7 minutes 45 seconds. By this time, Ajith team had created the world record for flying more time. They said it would be a Guinness record.

Under Ajith Guidance, Students made a WorldRecord  Without any Degree Qualification in Specific field this man AjithKumar guided the Students only through his life experience and made the Tamilnadu's Top AnnaUniversity's Daksha Drone Team Students to create an World Record
My Inspiration and Rollmodel Thala Ajith Kumar 

Now the Team Dhaksha  is getting prepared for a tournament in Australia, trail sessions are going in full swing. The drone they made can carry about certain amount Kg's major useful for Medical Kit transportation. Very Soon if this comes for ground usage the more patients would get immediate surgery for Organ transplatation. So it is already an big success for the team Dhaksha from TamilNadu. And we fans of Ajith Kumar are very proud to be his followers.

A Big Star with Strong fan base around South India but this man is very casual and doesnt expect what other stars are looking. Ajith Kumar's important policy is He Never Promotes his Film or Production house he does film. He took it as a policy from 2010 and till now never attended an Promotional Event. But never forget to attend if any one is at their taugh time in life. Only  Actor in India to have huge fan base inside Film Industry.

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India's Sylvester Stallone, Ajith Kumar team of Drone Flight has done Guinness Record on flew time on Air India's Sylvester Stallone, Ajith Kumar team of Drone Flight has done Guinness Record on flew time on Air Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop on July 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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