A town in Northern Siberia, Where Temperature ranges from -40 in winter, +30 in summer. This Pictures Goes Viral in Social Network
If you're looking for hot summers cold winters, look no further than the extreme continental Siberian cities like Yakutsk. -40 in winter, +30 in summer.
Today in Yakutsk--a town in Northern Siberia just south of the Arctic Circle, built on permafrost in a subarctic climate and dubbed "The World's Coldest City"--the high temperature reached 97 degrees.
Her viral picture looked like a scene straight out of Disney's 'Frozen'. About six months ago, Anastasia Gruzdeva's picture showing her eyelashes covered in ice went viral. The picture - and several others like it - brought the Internet's attention to some of the coldest inhabited places on earth. But if you thought the winter was bad in Siberia you'll be surprised to know that summer can be just as harsh.
Ms Gruz deva's latest picture shows her face covered with many mosquitoes instead of ice.
The picture was made in seconds," Ms Gruzdeva told The Siberian Times about her picture clicked in a village called Solnechny, which means 'sunny'. She added that she rushed away from the area moments after the picture was taken.
In fact, you do not feel them so much on your face. More sensitive are the legs, arms and back," she said. "So for a few seconds, I can endure this. Mind you, I have a sudden thought: can they bite me to death?" she added.
While the picture looks quite uncomfortable, it is quite a contrast to her earlier picture that went viral
A town in Northern Siberia, Where Temperature ranges from -40 in winter, +30 in summer. This Pictures Goes Viral in Social Network
Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop
July 13, 2018

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