Retired Thai Navy SEAL Suman Gunan Sacrificed his Life for 13 Childrens and Two British Divers shows still Unity is Possible : Thailand Cave Rescue
The odds were stacked against you but still, you prevailed. You have shown bravery, strength and toughness. You have shown the heroic light of humanity. May your beautiful souls be happy and finally at peace. Sgt. Major Saman Gunan, may you life on in our hearts.
The MAN in all Men !
Retired Thai Navy SEAL Suman Gunan volunteered for rescue mission in Thailand
Suman sacrificed his own oxygen supply so that the 12 kids/their coach could live long enough to b rescued
RIP #SumanGunan🌺🙏
Sir, you honoured the SOLDIERING..Salute and Respect
Two British Divers
meet 2 british divers who's found the boys first and leading the rescue mission, John Volanthen and Rick Stanton. and the australian doctor who keeps them healthy inside, Richard Harris. the words isn't enough to deliver my thank and my best prayer towards you, heroes ❤
“I dive for passion and always wondered if it would have purpose. Last two weeks was what I prepared for my entire life” - John Volanthen, British diver who found the lost boys
Retired Thai Navy SEAL Suman Gunan Sacrificed his Life for 13 Childrens and Two British Divers shows still Unity is Possible : Thailand Cave Rescue
Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop
July 10, 2018

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