Today is the 140th Birth Anniversary of Great Social Reformer,avtivist Periyar popularly known as ThanthaiPeriyar.
If Many in Tamil Nadu have a decent standard of living today, that is because of his pioneering work in the field of Social Justice. So be Grateful to Periyar. We all know how the caste Discrimination was at peak in olden days by dominant caste, here the Periyar plays a big role to demolish their followers scripts and live on the present. Treat Equally and dont dicriminate by caste this is what Periyar's ideology in a single sentence.
The man who stood up for Rationalism. Thought Self-respect and said only education will make you grow higher and higher. Very Strongly made his Comments on discrimination. Once Periyar said People are talking high of Thiruvalluvar. But in practice they do not respect his teachings. They act against him n disregard him” he was worried about peoples activities towards rationalism. As he said we are not following it, but also he said don't follow what your chief said, think that will it be useful if we follow that. So in his words he comments on his own ideology and that is what making this man so special till now.
Caste Eradication
TN is what it is today leaps and bounds ahead of many other states in india because our foundation was strong, periyar being the main among them. Today anyone using their caste name as surname in tamil nadu feels a tad uncomfortable because of this man. But in North they still follows the surname which itself discriminate from others.
Periyar We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world.
Where every other leader in 19th century made targets for unified India with freedom. Some other said Unified,Secular,Republic,Equality,Identity,
brotherhood. And finally A rational India born and the person is Periyar.
UNESCO Citation, Jun 27 1970
Periyar the Prophet of the New Age The socrates of South East Asia
Father of the Social Reform Movement
and arch enemy of ignorance Superstitons; meaningless customs & base manners!
UNESCO on for his relentless and persistent war on social maladies and injustice. He fought for all those who are downtrodden. He even went to the extent to say "The oppressing Brahmins today become oppressed, I will fight for them!"
Wishing a very happy birthday to ThanthaiPeriyar for his exemplary works to improve life for Tamil people.
It's beautiful and inspiring to read about his tireless efforts towards equality for both women and for castes.
He was truly ahead of his time 👏🏻 big respect to him.
Finally Be a Human not be a Super Human
Be a human.. think like a human.. you are a periyarist now.. no qualities or qualifications needed to be a human/periyarist..
Happy Birthday Periyar | Real "Kaala" on Field | Who is Periyar ? 👇
Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop
September 17, 2018

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