Serena Williams is banned from wearing her black body catsuit at French Open Tournament yet to start. Catsuit is Attached.
Reason for Catsuit
Serena Williams is wearing that suit because of her health problem and they just won’t let her be. I’m so annoyed at racism.
The French Open banned Serena Williams from wearing her Wakanda-inspired catsuit again. She said the suit helped her avoid blood clots due to her post birth of recent child.
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Serena was not first to wear
For the record, Serena Williams wasn’t the first woman to wear a catsuit at a Grand Slam. Anne White did it in 1985 at the US Open. They knew this was a possibility but didn’t ban it until Serena did it for MEDICAL REASONS.
Health Issues for Serana Williams
Having had multiple pulmonary embolisms, Serena Williams is not allowed to use a specially designed black catsuit that helps prevents blood clots from developing in the legs. Because the French Open doesn’t like how it looks. That’s racist, sexist, and dangerous.
French Open Head ordered
Just ridiculous. Serena has done nothing BUT respect the game. It’s not her job to make you feel comfortable.
Also, the suit helps her combat blood clots. French Open head should quit his job and can associate with Costume Designing Industry.
The idea that Serena Williams' catsuit signals she doesn't respect the game of tennis is ridiculous for a number reasons, but especially because her catsuit wasn't unprecedented. Anne White wore a catsuit back in 1985 at Wimbledon as I said above.
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Present Wears what we see now !
When Nike introduced controversial outfit, no question from Wimbledon. It's what they wear in U.S Open too
When "Serena Williams" dress up fully that's an issue. French ego?
The authority should come up with a dress code, whether minimalistic, exposed, covered or by choice
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Is it Fine ?
"You have to respect the game." I don't see how Serena Williams' outfit was disrespectful to tennis. Is a leotard disrespectful to gymnastics? A wetsuit disrespectful to outdoor swimming? No, they're functional, as Serena's outfit was.
If really Outfit was the issue, I conclude by questioning what about the Current Outfit we have ? Is it fine for French ?
I mean French Open.
Serena Williams is banned from wearing her black body catsuit at French Open Tournament yet to start. Catsuit is Attached.
Reviewed by Tamilnadu At One Stop
August 25, 2018

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